Wedding Nanny
Dog Tired understands that including your pet in your wedding is no different than inviting your family and friends. For many people, their dog is a special part of the family and they want them included in their wedding. Our Wedding Nanny service provides trained professionals to assist with your dog during the rehearsal, photographs, ceremony, and more!

We offer a variety of packages to meet all your needs on your big day!
The Chapel
- Taxi to Venue
- Nanny Services on Wedding Day
- Taxi Home
The Cathedral
- Boarding at Dog Tired Night Before Wedding
- Deluxe Bath
- Cranberry Facial
- Taxi to Venue
- Nanny Services on Wedding Day
- Taxi to Dog Tired
- Boarding During Reception and Wedding Night
Add On Services
- Deluxe Bath (ear clean & nail grind)
- Nanny Services for Rehearsal
- Clean Ears
- Grind Nails
- Grooming (Hair Cut)
- Furmination
- Pre-Wedding Nanny Walk
How it Works
- Grooming: Schedule a bath or groom with us 24 hours before the big day so your dog is ready for the photographs!
- Rehearsal: We will taxi your pet from their location to the venue and stay with them throughout the rehearsal. We then transport them safely back home or to Dog Tired with proper care and feeding. This typically takes 2-3 hours from pick-up to drop-off.
- Wedding: We will transport your dog to the wedding venue. If your dog is in the wedding, we will coordinate with the wedding planner to determine who is responsible for the dog during the ceremony. After the ceremony, we will work with your photographer for the photo session to encourage good poses and attend to all your dog’s needs throughout the day. If you’re planning to dress your dog, we can wait until just before the photo shoot to dress them, otherwise the bow tie or flower garland may become food instead!
- End of the Day: After the photos have been taken, we will return your dog to your home or location of your choice, allowing you to enjoy the reception. Typically, this involves 2-3 hours from pick up to returning home.
Wedding Nanny Rates
Ready to start planning? Complete our online form today!
Any Services (1 hour minimum & any fraction thereof)
- $90/hour
- 2 dogs: $120/hour
- If 2 sitters are required for 2 dogs: $160/hour
- Wedding Rehearsal: $60/hour
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